Truly Thomas Mansion

The Process:
1) Remove existing coats of paints through scraping techniques.
- Heat Guns:
Heat helps loosen the paint from the surface so it is malleable for lifting off with  scrapers without damaging the material underneath.
- Silent Paint Removers use infrared lighting to heat the paint and are useful for large surfaces because it can rest on the surface, unlike the hand-held heat gun.
- Scrape with the direction of the grain.
3) Sanding the surface to smooth the surface for the primer and paint.
4) Primer & Painting

A note for preservationists or perfectionists
It is not always a good thing to remove all traces of the paint because it is important for those who examine the building later on to use remaining or missed paint chips for analysis. This is nice to keep in mind when you feel compelled to perfectly remove all the paint from every crevice.

The Benefits of Paint Removal
- Exposes details that have been concealed through years of paint coats.
- Removes alligatoring (cracked paint surface that resembles alligator skin) which is a sign of paint failure over time.
Safety with Lead Paint: Gloves & Mask
revealing details

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